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Giant Mountain - Keene, NY

Updated: Sep 14, 2020

We'll start this post off with the introduction of a new series called "Every Other Friday Off" also known as EOFO. I recently started at a company where there is an option to have a three day weekend every other week. I figured why not, simple math would tell you that this schedule will give you an extra 26 days off a year. I doubt there will be 26 blog posts in this series a year, but we'll see how it goes, but after a month or so I can honestly say I have no complaints thus far. Follow along and I hope you enjoy!

A quick 1.5hr drive up the Northway to the heart of the Adirondacks I made it to the trailhead for Giant Mountain a little after 7:30am. Conditions were cloudy, light mist, and ~50°F. Not many cars were there as it was the weekend after labor day and I hit the trail. After living in New Hampshire and Vermont for the past 6 years I was interested to see what the Adirondacks had to offer. I'll put my opinion out there and will let you know if it changes, but that is the ADK 46 high peaks don't hold a candle to the White Mountains in New Hampshire. I digress... Anyways..

On the way up I met 6 other fellow hikers. All of which were pretty friendly and happy to be on the trail. I'll still never understand the footwear choice of some people, but I guess whatever floats your boat.. Most of the hike up was an open rock face that was a good calf exercise and cardio if you let it be. Other than that no noteworthy features that really stick out. There's a privy about 2 miles up if that's important to you. The whole way up it was pretty cloudy and about 2/3 of the way up there was quite a heavy mist and a breeze. Definitely needed the long sleeves at this point. On the way up I was able to start and see that I was going to be above the clouds by the top of the mountain. I have never had this happen before and I will say when I reached the top it was super cool. Both figuratively and literally For not being able to fly because of COVID-19, it was kinda like looking out the side of an airplane. Can't wait to fly again.. A few jerky sticks, peanuts, and water and I was headed back down the mountain. Met everyone I passed on the way up on the way down and then some more. Some with masks and most without. There's also the option to hike Rocky Ridge, which is another high peak about 1.3 miles off the main trail but decided against it.

I guess the view at the top wasn't what most people would hope for and you won't find the view from the top from this blog post, but a pretty neat experience.

Overall the hike was 6.1 miles and about 3,000ft of elevation. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give the difficulty a 7 out of 10. Mainly because there wasn't much flatness during the entire hike. I've been using a new app called Komoot for my route planning and exercise tracker. I was a huge fan of Strava until they made just about everything a premium feature.. I'd recommend trying it out for your next adventure.

Well, you can let me know what you think about the new blog series or just the post in general and all feedback is appreciated. Maybe I'll do all the 46 high peaks, this being my second.. You do the math and let me know how many are left. Hope you enjoy it and if you've read this far thank you!!

Oh and one last thing I forgot to mention/ didn't want to put in the body and ruin the format. I always hike with this LifeStraw. It got me out of a pinch once and I can't give it enough credit. Let's just say planning isn't my specialty.. Technically it is an ad and if you click on it and buy one I'll get paid, but the thing is worth it and I recommend it to everyone!

[ ] Marcy

[ ] Algonquin

[ ] Haystack

[ ] Skylight

[ ] Whiteface

[ ] Dix

[ ] Gray

[ ] Iroquois

[ ] Basin

[ ] Gothics

[ ] Colden

[X] Giant

[ ] Nippletop

[ ] Santanoni

[ ] Redfield

[ ] Wright Peak

[ ] Saddleback

[ ] Panther

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[ ] Upper Wolf Jaw

[ ] Lower Wolf Jaw

[ ] Street

[ ] Phelps

[ ] Donaldson

[ ] Seymour

[ ] Sawteeth

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